

Living in the COVID-19 World ... and Beyond #50: #50

When I started this blog in May 2020, I was not sure if I had very much to say nor whether I would be able to commit my thoughts to writing.   But the pandemic had started, I was not out interacting with people in ways that I had been before, and I wanted to challenge myself to express what I was thinking about to whomever was willing to read it.   I set a goal to write one blog each month, and that seemed ambitious.


And this is blog #50 … and it has been 50 months.  Wow!  I did it.


I have learned a few things through this process.


First, to trust myself that what I what I have to say is both valid and might be informative for others.  In this regard, it has been very helpful when my readers write to me personally or post a comment on the blog.   This shows me that not only someone read what I wrote but that the subject of the blog connected with them in some way that generated a response.  


Second, it has gotten easier to write these blogs over time.   In the beginning, each blog took many hours of staring at my computer and its blank page, writing one sentence and stopping, and often soliciting help from a friend to stay focused and to remind me that someone is interested in what I have to say.   More recently, I have been able to sit and write blogs in just a matter of minutes.


Third, related to not knowing whether I had anything to say, instead of struggling each month to find a topic, I now have a list of over fifteen blog topics that I hope to get to in the coming months.  It turns out that I have a lot of thoughts I would like to share with others.


Thank you to each of my readers.  Your readership has boosted my confidence and my initiative.   Stay tuned to this blog.   There is much more yet to come.   I look forward to reading your responses.

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