Executive Coaching

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I get up every morning determined both to change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes, this makes planning the day difficult.
— E.B. White


Leaders are often facing challenging situations, and we often are alone in facing these challenges.  Coaching provides you with a partner so that you are not alone with the challenges and you have a thought partner, sounding board, and facilitator that can help you explore your own thoughts and what might lie beneath the issue that is getting in your way of reaching resolutions.   We all need support to be our best selves.

In our experience, coaching is an excellent method to enhance your impact so that you can lead and manage more effectively.

Our approach to coaching is varied. We believe it is important to set goals in a coaching relationship, to gain agreement on what you are trying to address or improve. There are a variety of methods that we can utilize for helping you to achieve your goals:

  • Effective questioning to help you do your own best thinking

  • Providing feedback and observations that are enlightening (we have blinders that interfere with our ability to see ourselves clearly)

  • Probing to identify underlying issues, usually based in your past experience, that interfere with your ability to think clearly regarding the current challenge

  • Sometimes, hearing someone else’s experience with similar situations can be very helpful

  • There might actually be tools or research that we can share that will help you move through a particular challenge

  • Good old-fashioned encouragement to try things and move forward

  • And more!